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MinnYak League Day

League day is a fun way to get out on the water and experience competitive kayak fishing. Anglers are allowed to fish any water they choose as long as it has public access. These events are open to all members, and we encourage you to use our forums and facebook groups to challenge others on your local home lakes.


League Day is the perfect avenue for anglers of all skillsets to learn and grow. Those new to the sport can use this as an opportunity to learn about CPR (Catch-Photo-Release) style events and to familiarize yourself with the judging and scoring processes of competitive kayak angling. As your experience grows, League Day can be used as a way to challenge yourself to find ways to quickly breakdown new water and locate those big bites. Hopefully leading to some extra $$$ in your pocket when you start using these skills to win on-site events! 

League Day announcements will be made through our forum and MinnYak Open Group Facebook page. We will utilize the Facebook page to self-score and judge the event. 

Events will be scored based on your longest 3 fish and there will be a side-pot for the monthly Big Bass. Entry fees are cheap (usually around $10/Event with $5/MO big bass side pot) and will be handled via PayPay through the assigned Tournament Director (TD).

Once the TD has verified all submissions following conclusion of the event, winners will be announced, and payouts will be completed. 

This is by-far one of the best parts of being a member of MinnYak and we are PROUD to be able to bring this experience to you as the only official Kayak Bass Fishing League in Minnesota! 


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